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"You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. 
What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make."

~Jane Goodall

Diane Duncan

Miscoe Hill, formerly Nipmuc HS, is 62 years old and has seen many students and staff walk its hallways, many who are reading this post right now! We Care Miscoe was formed to make improvements to this aging school without costing taxpayers' money. This summer we painted 40 doors and all the trim, and we gave the Lobby a much-needed face lift. Why did we do this? Because YOUR ENVIRONMENT truly MATTERS!


Miscoe is home to almost 800 people who spend 7+ hours a day there! None of this would have happened without contributions by local organizations and companies, donations, volunteerism, and the MURSD. We Care Miscoe has been working on projects for 4 years now!


This year, The Upton Men's Club funded our most extensive project yet....the Lobby Facelift project. It was supplemented with local donations and volunteerism! Door painting was fueled entirely by volunteers and the MURSD. Here's how it happened...


We had people with vision and talent helping us see "what could be", we had businesses donating materials (Pelcs Painting, Koopmans, Chris Moran Design, ACE Hardware) and we had individuals who gave way more time than they truly had time for (Stacey Oliva, Joe Bonapace, Zach Pelc, Mark Machado, Lou Corriera, Dina Everett Neveux and her husband Mike, Steven Aubut, and my whole family). We had people working in their home workshops (or driveways) to create signs, build benches (to be installed), paint signs, we had people working in the schools from 5 pm-10 pm multiple nights, sharing their tools, sharing their talents, putting in sweat equity. And when I say SWEAT equity, I mean SWEAT was hot in there! We had young volunteers, parents and grandparents. We had Scouts, we had Young Neighbors in Action (St. Gabes Youth group). We worked with the Miscoe custodians, principal and the Superintendent of Schools. It wasn't easy during this hot summer, but we did it!! Service builds strong communities and keeps us working together toward common goals! It keeps us united! So proud of all of these people and businesses who came together. Thank you! I do hope it inspires others to serve their community in new ways!

Miscoe Hill PTO 2024

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